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Magpie Costumed Birthday Run

  • Magpie Cafe Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA, 70808 United States (map)

We have a bunch of fun Birthday peeps this month!

And since one is the “always costumed” Mary Winnett …Amy suggested a costume(optional) birthday run. Plus it will sadly be Mary’s final BR Birthday Run.

TRACK - 3 x 1/4 Cut down with 1/4 rest

Caroline Birthday Parade 100 yards(I had full lap but realized that might be a little much)

Let’s put on party hats, hair pins and crowns and celebrate Caroline in a Birthday parade with Balloons. Let’s get creative on how we want to present her…carry her basketball between a few people …or whatever! Sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her and all the birthday peeps at the run.

Make it fun for her. I have some Minnie Mouse ears for her.

4 x 110 water balloon relay in party hats. We have done this before. The goal is to get around the track first without breaking your team balloon.

We’ll go inside for the celebration. (don’t forget how sweaty we get in June so let’s bring towels to dry off before we go into Magpie to sit down).

Caroline will judge Best Costume!

Coffee and pastry compliments of VS but we will have a special cake!

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VSNO – Overpass Workout – “OPT”

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