Upcoming Events

Counterspace Coffee Run with 880’s at Goodwood
Those of you that ran the weekday runs ran an interval progression starting with 220, then 440’s.
We’ll finish the run with half miles/880’s at Goodwood Park. Great workout for those running CCC 10K!
2-4 x 880 with 880 recovery after each.
Try to run between 5K and 10K goal pace for the intervals.
Back to Counterspace for coffee and those delicious cinnamon rolls.
Hydration will be at Goodwood Park

3 Mile Social Run/Walk OR Hilly 440s on Parker Street for 5K/10K racers
Progression workout for this week.
Use this map as warm up and cool down: 3 Miles to Parker Hills
4 x Hilly quarter from Zeeland to past Reymond(marks will be out).
Jog back to Zeeland start for recovery after each
**this is an easier version of the workout we do here with turn around 1/4 with 30 seconds rest. Coming soon!
Beer Specials at Pelican to Mars so stick around!!
I won’t be there(I’ll be at L’ Auberge modeling an autographed guitar to be auctioned at Quota Club event???? Can you imagine?))

Wasted Wednesday: David’s Loop
It’s been awhile since this one has been on the calendar.

Workout Progression Starting with 220s
With the 5Ks and 10Ks coming up let’s do a progression of intervals starting with 220s today, 440 on Thursday and 880 on Saturday.
Hollydale warm up to Lake Erie.
4 x 220 cutdown. Jog a lap. Duplicate the first 4 x 220 cutdown.
Fiero back is shorter. Hollydale is longer.
20% off at Var Pizza and Lady Tiger BB 2nd Round game is on TV starting at 5:00.

Main Street Market Run
It should be a pretty morning for the levee.
3-6 Miles on the levee. Follow the 8 mile route out-and-back. If you run 3 miles on the levee you can go down to the water stop at the Vet School.
8 miles with 5K of tempo work for those racing this spring.
Easy/steady 3 down the levee.
Mile 3-5: 2 Mile pickup at 10K race pace(or no slower than 15 seconds per mile)
Mile 7-8: 1 Mile pickup at 10K race pace or faster.
Hydration at the Vet School.
You may want to leave a 2nd water for yourself at City Park oak if it’s hot.

Easy Run from Amherst Park
Another easy steady run.
You can shorten to 3 by going left on Tower Drive.
Jenni is still in Seattle but Jane will be there to start everyone.

Easy Run from City Park
There were lots of strong runs yesterday! Easy, recovery run today.
5 Miles that can be shortened with out-and-back
I’ll be in Seattle at Brook HQ but Jane will be out to get things started.

Lucky Dog 1 Mile Dog Walk or
We are combining our pre-Shamrock run with a fundraiser for Companion Animal Alliance.
CAA will have adoptable pups out at the run.
2-3 Mile Walk Run - follow the 5 Mile map out.
2 Mile turns around at cone near Stanford Place
3 Mile to Baton Rouge beach water fountain and back

Daylight Savings Celebration with Goodwood Ladder workout
Thanks to Corie and Scott Hebert for hosting us all again!
Warm Up the Esplanade, Audubon, Seven Oaks loop.
OR straight to the park to get right to the action.
Ladder of 880/then run another full loop for recovery.
660/440/220 finish to loop to recover after the interval.
Try start doing you pace computations and shift into 5K pace of under.
Cool down and celebrate…it will still be sunny and light.

Magpie Coffee Run in Partnership with Screaming Peacock celebrating International Women's Day
Women’s 2 Mile presented by Screaming Peacock
3.5 Mile Walk/Run modified for Lakeshore detour
8 miles with 5 x 1/2 at 10K pace.
Start 1/2 miles at mile 2,3,4,5 and 6.
8 Mile Route modified for Lakeshore detour
Water at Country Club and bike path

Celebrating the V Challenge
The V Challenge celebration run is hosted by Amy Hall and Laurie Clark.
The Hostesses have gift bags for everyone.
Last Thursday of 4:30 runs!! Daylight Savings Time Coming!!!
The run is an easy/steady run to David Butlers and back. You can shorten the out-and-back.
*V Challenge for prizes at David’s. One chance to make a 3 point shot. All 3 pointers win a prize. Report the shot back to Jenni at the finish.
V Team Challenge at the end. Winning team wins prizes.
V Challengers stick around for V Plank toast.

Predict Your Pace for Prizes
5:00 p.m. peeps should maybe park at Webb Park golf course and warm up to start.
The post run festivities are hosted by Kelley, Kay and John with beer, water and snacks!
Sign up for your prediction for what you will run 2 Miles with Jenni at her truck at the start,.
You can wear your watches….but NO LOOKING!! We are an honorable bunch aren’t we???
Warm up to “Predict Your Pace” start on Country Club at the bike path.
1.25 warmup is straight there crossing Moore Street bridge.
Predict Your Pace begins at 5:15.
Cool down back to Kelley’s for the fun.

Predict Your Pace for Prizes
The post run festivities are hosted by Kelley, Kay and John with beer, water and snacks!
We’ll sign up for your prediction for what you will run 2 Miles in. Sign Up 4:30-4:40.
You can wear your watches….but NO LOOKING!! We are an honorable bunch aren’t we???
Warm up to “Predict Your Pace” start on Country Club at the bike path.
1.25 warmup is straight there crossing Moore Street bridge.
Predict Your Pace begins at 5:15.
Cool down back to Kelley’s for the fun.

CHANGE: Starbucks LSU Coffee Run
Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade is staging in the Main Street Market area and the market is closed.
This is an 8 Mile workout that can be shortened to 5.5 miles by taking May Street back to start.
Workout: mile pickups at 10K pace 3-4; 5-6 and 7-8.
Water will be at Lake Erie.
But you may want to put your own out at the City Park oak if it’s warm

Poker Run and Pizza Party(4:45 is the only posted run time today)
The Poker Run is hosted by Cathy, Elaine, Lizette and Susan.
Run the first (almost) 3 Miles of the map to Lake Erie start.
5 laps!
1st lap run a Pickup 1/4
Laps 2,3,4 - steady running and GET A CARD EACH LAP
5th lap run another Pickup 1/4.
Finish the map down Fiero to finish.
Pizza Party with free pizza slices and $100 beer tab.

Beer 101 with Juliet
Juliet and Mike are hosting a Beer 101 and tasting event after the run.

Let's 2nd line the Steele Hills and let the Good Time Run!
Meet at Mary’s
Dress in your Mardi Gras colors for the run hosted by Olivia, Shelley, Maria and Terry at Mary’s house.
3 x 220 on Steele Hills going back to start after each(even the last one)
Jog over to Hundred Oaks start.
Run pick-up half mile(moderate to hard pace)
**be very careful at Chatfield/Richland intersection. I’ll put out cones at start and stop plus Richland crossing.
Repeat 3 x 220(Or leave of to abreviate workout)
Cool Down.
Post run Mardi Gras festivities at 6:00.
Drinks, King Cake and a Mardi Gras Pinata!!
Prizes from Synergy Fitness and Varsity Sports for breaking the pinata, various piñata coins and finding the King Cake baby!

Let's 2nd line the Steele Hills and let the Good Time Run!
Dress in your Mardi Gras colors for the run hosted by Olivia, Shelley, Maria and Terry at Mary’s house.
3 x 220 on Steele Hills going back to start after each(even the last one)
Jog over to Hundred Oaks start.
Run pick-up half mile(moderate to hard pace)
**be very careful at Chatfield/Richland intersection. I’ll put out cones at start and stop plus Richland crossing.
Repeat 3 x 220(Or leave of to abreviate workout)
Cool Down.
Post run Mardi Gras festivities at 6:00.
Drinks, King Cake and a Mardi Gras Pinata!!
Prizes from Synergy Fitness and Varsity Sports for breaking the pinata, various piñata coins and finding the King Cake baby!

Breakfast Run from the Haser’s - either Killer Core Combo or Steady Run
3 Miles - follow 8 Mile route to the start of Pennington Path and back.
5 Miles - follow 8 Mile route to Olympia Park and back
3 and 5 Mile Water at the Butler’s house on Dahlia at Clematis.
Hydration Stop for the long run is at Kenilworth Middle School.
V Challenge Killer Core Combo
Warm up - out and back with 8 milers.
**you may want to leave mat or towel and water at the Rouzan gate to path
10 x 440 with 1 minute exercise between each 440
Cool down back to Haser’s for breakfast
Let the Haser’s know if you will be able to bring something for the breakfast.

Lakes Loop from Amherst Park
Let’s keep it simple since the weather is so cold I am not sure how many will show up.

Lakes Loop from Amherst Park
Let’s keep it simple since the weather is so cold I am not sure how many will show up.

Cold Wasted Wednesday: Parade Grounds
Let’s keep it simple with the cold weather. Not sure how many will show up/

City Park Easy Run
I just went ahead and posted 4:30 since everyone has been leaving a little early.
I won’t be there because we/Rouzan gets a private cocktail party preview of the new South Branch library tomorrow evening.
Easy run since a lot of people raced over the weekend.